How can IMD help me?
Here’s our process:
- We take the time to discuss with you what you are trying to achieve
- We identify what marketing strategies you have applied
- We identify flaws in your marketing
- We discover opportunities in your niche market
- We offer you workable marketing solution
Here is an example:
You discovered everything was going well with your marketing, except that your search engine rankings were falling and you were not on page 1 on Google. Therefore, one of our search engine optimisation Brisbane representatives take the time and discuss your SEO options.
Where do I start?
It really depends on where you’re at with your business. If you don’t have an online presence yet, or if you’re looking for some extra help to reach a new milestone, I’m here to help. Why don’t you drop us an email at We can set up a free 30-minute consultation to discuss what you need in a way that feels right for you.
Do you assist small start up or smaller businesses?
Do you offer a guarantee?
How long do I need to commit to working with IMD?
I have specific questions, where do I get the answers?
IMD offers are range of services. Each area has their own FAQ’s. Feel free to follow the links below:
If you have any further questions not covered in our FAQ’s
Send us an email: Click Here