“From Ordinary To Extraordinary”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
How can IMD help me?
At IMD we understand that every customer face different internet marketing problems and needs.
Here’s our process:

  1. We take the time to discuss with you what you are trying to achieve
  2. We identify what marketing strategies you have applied
  3. We identify flaws in your marketing
  4. We discover opportunities in your niche market
  5. We offer you workable marketing solution

Here is an example:
You discovered everything was going well with your marketing, except that your search engine rankings were falling and you were not on page 1 on Google. Therefore, one of our search engine optimisation Brisbane representatives take the time and discuss your SEO options.

Where do I start?

It really depends on where you’re at with your business. If you don’t have an online presence yet, or if you’re looking for some extra help to reach a new milestone, I’m here to help. Why don’t you drop us an email at We can set up a free 30-minute consultation to discuss what you need in a way that feels right for you.

Do you assist small start up or smaller businesses?
Yes. Our goal is to treat all businesses equally and provide the best marketing solutions to meet all budgets.
Do you offer a guarantee?
We guarantee to give you a professional service and give you the best possible results with your allocated budget.
How long do I need to commit to working with IMD?
That all depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you are operating in a highly competitive industry and expect to become an industry leader within the first 12 months, chances are we will not take you on board as a client. At IMD we rather be open and honest with you from the ‘get go’ and give you more realistic expectations and outcomes.
I have specific questions, where do I get the answers?

IMD offers are range of services. Each area has their own FAQ’s. Feel free to follow the links below:

If you have any further questions not covered in our FAQ’s

Send us an email: Click Here