“From Ordinary To Extraordinary”

Poison Link Removal

poison link removal

Good search engine optimisation (SEO) can give your website high search engine rankings which lead to high traffic, leads and sales. However, bad SEO will hold your website back from high search engine rankings.

In the past, Google came out and said they do not penalise company with bad SEO because these links could be easily generated from your competitors trying to keep you from ranking up high in the search engines.

However, search engines have come to the conclusion that most businesses will not be silly enough to spend their time and money in trying to bring down their competitors rankings. When you think about it, it makes sense for business to invest in improving their rankings than invest in destroying the rankings of thousands/millions of competitors websites found online.

Search engines like Google have also made it possible for businesses that find bad links to get the disavow via Google Webmaster Tools.

This means you are telling Google that these links should not be linking to your website and you want it disavowed.

When was the last time you checked?

We frequently encounter clients shopping around for the best SEO prices.

However, many cheap SEO companies cut corners by relying on automated link building tools instead of performing thorough manual work.

This practice is frowned upon by Google and should be avoided at all costs. Google can easily trace these links back to their source.

With the introduction of the disavow tool, people are now actively informing Google about the origins of most spammy links.

If your SEO company is not deliverying you the results you are looking for, reach out to Internet Marketing Direct Brisbane SEO Office or Gold Coast SEO office today. 

Do Poison Links affect my search engine ranking today?
If your website is not ranking there may be a host of reasons. In saying this I highly recommend you get a comprehensive website audit conducted asap, followed by a poison link search report.
Should I get a check up regularly?
You should get a check up every 12 months. To stay healthy you see your doctor, no different from your online business.

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