“From Ordinary To Extraordinary”


A Complete Done-For-You Website Maintenance
& Security Solution For Your Business
For the same reason you lock the door on your home, you always need to secure your website. Why? As all websites are hackable and it’s becoming more common today than ever before.

A hacked website interrupts your business activities and causes a lot of drama, chaos and cost for your business.
For a small monthly fee, let IMD take care of your website updates & security and stay protected.


$440 pm

Work With Us
12 Reasons To Choose
IMD’s Website Maintenanece & Security Package
Website Theme Updates
Outdated website Theme’s makes your website vulnerable to hacks. We will update your website’s theme. This involves modifying design and functionality to enhance user experience, maintain compatibility, and address website security.
Plugin Updates
Outdated website plugins is another way hackers infiltrate your website. We will update any outdated website plugins by modifying the features and functionality of a website’s plugins to improve performance, fix bugs, enhance security, and ensure compatibility with the latest platform standards.
Fix Plugin Conflicts
We will fix any plugin conflicts at no cost to you. Plugin conflicts occur when two or more plugins on a website interfere with each other’s functionality, potentially causing errors or unexpected behaviour that needs to be resolved to maintain the website’s performance and stability.
Free SSL Certificate
If your website does not already have an SSL Certificate… Don’t worry, we got you covered. You will be gifted a free SSL certificate, which provides secure encryption for website data, ensuring user privacy and trust, without incurring additional costs.
Website Backups
Website backups involve creating copies of a website’s data and files, safeguarding against data loss, cyberattacks, or technical failures by enabling restoration to a previous state in case of emergencies.
Website Recovery
Since all websites are hackable, our team will simply recover your website from our latest backup of your website at no cost to you.
WP Website Firewall & File Protection
  • Protection from the latest exploits
  • Firewall rules released real-time
  • 6G blacklist
  • XSS protection
  • Blacklist users
  • File change detection
Smart IP Blocking Technology
Blacklist or whitelist based on GeoLocation in different areas of your website like login form, wp-admin, front-end, xmlrpc.
Login Protection
Limit Login Attempts for login protection, protect site from brute force attacks. Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets in. Our system limit the rate of login attempts and block IP’s temporarily. Plus, it detects bots by captcha verification.
No Contracts
There are no contracts, and you can cancel anytime by simply giving us a 30-day notice via email.
End Of Month Report
Within the first week of each month, our team will send you an end-of-month report detailing all the updates we have completed to keep your website up-to-date and secure.
Unlimited Text & Image Changes*
We offer unlimited* image and text changes. One change at a time.
Everything You Need Without The Price Tag
Let Us Manage & Secure Your Website For Less
Our pricing model is designed to be affordable so you don’t have to pass all the website techie tasks to your receptionist, who’s time is better spent on serving your paying customers.
What You Will Receive

Website Theme Updates

Outdated website Theme’s makes your website vulnerable to hacks. We will update your website’s theme. This involves modifying design and functionality to enhance user experience, maintain compatibility, and address website security.
Plugin Updates

Outdated website plugins is another way hackers infiltrate your website. We will update any outdated website plugins by modifying the features and functionality of a website’s plugins to improve performance, fix bugs, enhance security, and ensure compatibility with the latest platform standards.
Fix Plugin Conflicts

We will fix any plugin conflicts at no cost to you. Plugin conflicts occur when two or more plugins on a website interfere with each other’s functionality, potentially causing errors or unexpected behaviour that needs to be resolved to maintain the website’s performance and stability.
Free SSL Certificate

If your website does not already have an SSL Certificate… Don’t worry, we got you covered. You will be gifted a free SSL certificate, which provides secure encryption for website data, ensuring user privacy and trust, without incurring additional costs.
Website Backups

Website backups involve creating copies of a website’s data and files, safeguarding against data loss, cyberattacks, or technical failures by enabling restoration to a previous state in case of emergencies
Website Recovery

Since all websites are hackable, our team will simply recover your website from our latest backup of your website at no cost to you.
WP Website Firewall & File Protection


  • Protection from the latest exploits
  • Firewall rules released real-time
  • 6G blacklist
  • XSS protection
  • Blacklist users
  • File change detection

Smart IP Blocking Technology

Blacklist or whitelist based on GeoLocation in different areas of your website like login form, wp-admin, front-end, xmlrpc.
Login Protection

Limit Login Attempts for login protection, protect site from brute force attacks. Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets in. Our system limit the rate of login attempts and block IP’s temporarily. Plus, it detects bots by captcha verification.
No Contracts

There are no contracts, and you can cancel anytime by simply giving us a 30-day notice via email.
End Of Month Report

Within the first week of each month, our team will send you an end-of-month report detailing all the updates we have completed to keep your website up-to-date and secure
Unlimited Text & Image Changes*

We offer unlimited* image and text changes. One change at a time.
Peace Of Mind Package $440 p/m (incl gst)

Done For you Package $770 p/m (incl gst)

Peace Of Mind Package $440 p/m (incl gst)

Website Theme Updates

Plugin Updates
Fix Plugin Conflicts
Free SSL Certificate
Website Daily Backups
Website Recovery
WP Website Firewall & File Protection
Smart IP Blocking Technology
Login Protection
No Contracts
End Of Month Report

Done For you Package $770 p/m (incl gst)

Website Theme Updates

Plugin Updates
Fix Plugin Conflicts
Free SSL Certificate
Website Daily Backups
Website Recovery
WP Website Firewall & File Protection
Smart IP Blocking Technology
Login Protection
No Contracts
End Of Month Report
Unlimited Text & Image Changes*
Website Maintenance & Security Faq’s
How often should updates be performed for the website's core software (e.g., CMS, plugins, themes)? Are these updates automated or done manually?
We recommend performing updates for the website’s core software atleast once a month. These updates are done through our team, and we closely monitor them to ensure compatibility and security.
Do you perform regular backups of the website's data and files? How often are backups taken, and where are they stored?
We perform regular backups of the website’s data and files. The backups are stored securely on an offsite server to ensure data recovery in case of any unforeseen events.
Are there any security measures in place to protect against common website vulnerabilities and brute force attacks?
Yes, we implement several security measures to protect against common website vulnerabilities. We use a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to block malicious traffic.
How do you monitor the website for potential security breaches or suspicious activity? Do you use any security plugins or services?
We use a combination of automated tools and manual monitoring to detect potential security breaches or suspicious activity. We also have real-time alerts set up to notify us of any anomalies.
What steps are taken to secure user data, especially if the website collects personal information or handles sensitive data?
User data security is a top priority for us. We employ encryption protocols (SSL) to secure data transmission and store sensitive information in a separate, encrypted database with restricted access.
How do you handle security updates and patches for server software and hosting environment?
We actively monitor server software and hosting environment for updates. Security patches are applied promptly to ensure the server remains protected against known vulnerabilities.
Are there any security measures to prevent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks or other forms of cyber-attacks?
We utilize a DDoS protection service that mitigates and blocks DDoS attacks, ensuring the website remains accessible during such incidents.
How do you handle the removal of outdated or unused plugins and themes to minimize security risks?
As part of our regular maintenance, we conduct audits to identify and remove outdated or unused plugins and themes, reducing potential security risks.
Is there any form of continuous security testing or vulnerability scanning performed on the website?
We conduct regular security testing and vulnerability scanning on the website to identify and address potential weaknesses proactively.
How do you handle website performance optimization to ensure it runs efficiently and loads quickly?
Website performance optimization is a crucial aspect of our maintenance routine. We implement caching, image compression, and code optimization to ensure the website runs efficiently and loads quickly for users.