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Two Parts to Search Engine Optimisation

Below are the two parts to SEO that needs to be executed properly.


(A) SEO On-Site Optimisation

SEO On-Site Optimisation involves technically adjusting various elements on your website to enhance its appeal to search engine crawlers.

These elements include meta tags, headings, content, internal linking structure, and more. When optimised correctly, search engines can better understand your website’s content, leading to improved rankings in search results.

If your website isn’t optimised properly, search engine crawlers might struggle to interpret its content accurately. This misunderstanding can result in lower rankings and reduced organic traffic.

It’s essential to work with SEO professionals who understand these technical nuances and can implement effective on-site optimisation strategies.

Some SEO companies may claim to provide comprehensive SEO services but focus solely on off-site activities like link building. While link building is important (discussed in the next section), neglecting on-site optimisation can limit the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

A holistic approach addressing both on-site and off-site factors is crucial for sustainable SEO success.


(B) Link Building

Link building remains crucial for SEO, with an emphasis on acquiring links from reputable and relevant websites within your industry or niche. These links act as endorsements of your website’s credibility and authority.

At Internet Marketing Direct (IMD), we prioritise manual link building processes involving genuine outreach to relevant websites. This approach enhances the authenticity of your backlink profile and reduces the risk of penalties from search engines.

Businesses often receive unsolicited SEO offers promising quick results at low costs. Many of these offers rely on automated tools to generate links rapidly. However, such practices can result in low-quality links that harm your website’s SEO performance over time. Google penalises websites engaged in manipulative link-building tactics, including automated link schemes.

Do You Need Help With Your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?