Website speed Optimization
If you have an existing website and would like it to load faster or you have a new website and it’s just not loading as fast as you like it…

No problems, we have the solution for you.

This is a third-party plugin as that was created to give your website faster load times.

Introducing WP Rocket.
WP Rocket is the most powerful caching plugin in the world. Use it to improve the speed of your WordPress site, SEO rankings and conversions.
Standard Price: $399+GST per month (AU$70 for the plugin per year + $300 for installation)
IMD Website Clients Price: AU$65+GST for the plugin per year only. This price is AT COST. We will also offer you free installation.
Why is Website Load Times Important?
40% of people who visit a website will leave it, if it takes more than 3s to load. That’s why every website should be optimized for speed and have a powerful caching system at its core.

It’s no secret…
With page speed being an SEO ranking factor, the faster your pages load, the more Google (and your visitors) will love them.

Speed up your website today!